Tuesday, March 16, 2010

*UPDATE*The Princess and the Frog Blue Ray-DVD Combo Deal

Here's a great deal on the new released The Princess and the Frog Blue Ray-DVD-Digital Copy combo. (My family and I love the Blue Ray combos because you receive 3 copies of the movie in one!)

Princess and the Frog Blue Ray DVD combo, plus a FREE purse @ $26.99 (this week's Target price)

used a $10 mfc (expires 3/21) found HERE

Total: $16.99

To make this deal even sweeter...use the following rebates to bring the movie combo down to $11.99 or even lower to $6.99!

Buy 2 Bandaids and submit the $5 Rebate found HERE

(please see today's Target post below on how to get the Bandaids for FREE!)

FrogTape $5 mail-in rebate found HERE
***UPDATE***Here's another $5 Rebate of the movie found HERE when you buy 2 boxes of Success Rice!

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