Thursday, October 7, 2010

Toys R Us:Beauty & the Beast DVD Combo Deal

Beauty & the Beast is one of my absolute favorite Disney movies of all time! And after seeing the Beauty & the Beast production at Disney World this past summer brought back memories. As you probably know the DVD has been released for a limited time. I received a $10 mfc from Disney Movie Rewards last week for the movie, plus I got a $6 mfc for Phineas & Ferb: A Very Perry Christmas from Disney Movie Rewards. Here's how I was able to get both DVDs for less than $7 ea. after tax at Toys R Us!

Buy Beauty & the Beast Blue Ray DVD Combo @ $22.99

Buy Phineas & Ferb: A Very Perry Christmas @ $15.99

Pre-order Toy Story 3 for $5 and you will receive $10 off Beauty & the Beast combo (ask the cashier or find the display in your store for the coupon)

Minus $10 mfc for Beauty & the Beast from Disney Movie Rewards

Minus $6 mfc for Phineas & Ferb A Very Perry Christmas when you purchase a Disney DVD from Disney Movie Rewards

Minus $6 Toys R Us store coupon found at the entrance of the store for buying Beauty & the Beast and another Disney DVD ( see the picture above)

Total: $11.98 for both DVDs!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.....That is an awesome deal. I have to watch phineas and Ferb alot at my house also(lol).
